
Wednesday, 31 December 2014

迷人的Crabtree & Evelyn 2014聖诞礼品 ( Crabtree & Evelyn Typewriter Project )

哇!好大的一个红色大信封!原来是Crabtree & Evelyn 2014聖诞礼品套裝系列的册子。今年的主题是Seasonal Spectacular -  探索世界各地最珍貴的植物宝。还没打开信封之前,我心里正想着  我该不会再买了吧!因为才刚在生日月份买了不少产品。结果呢? 一打开信封,一下就被那绘有鲜明独特的节庆图案吸引了。今年的礼盒实在太华丽漂亮,有种种不同的款式,较多铁罐装。加上贵宾有特优惠,你说呢?

不曾为了贵宾优惠而排队购买的我,破例第一次一大清早到Gurney Plaza Crabtree & Evelyn与我的好友敏一起排队购买。我还带着Baby Hang 去排队。庆幸的是我还有机会排前面二十名顾客,获得Early Bird 的免费赠送礼品。我要谢谢我亲爱的老公载我去广场,还帮忙照顾Baby HangThank You!


Tada。。。 这是我的战利品!漂亮吗?

Big Top 手部修护霜旋转音乐礼罐与聖诞特別版手部修护霜套裝 - 霜雪野果、冰玫瑰、魅惑薑根  漂亮吧! 

Early Bird 及购物免费赠送礼品



1)Somerset Meadow Vanity Case


2)Herritage Biscuit Barrel & Spiced Tea

大的铁桶是圣诞饼干礼盒,里面装着五种不同口味的饼干。这些五种味道的饼都很好吃。至于小的铁桶是茶。我会选这两个罐装是因为它们那优雅的古建筑-商品陈列店的图画,从图画里的窗口还可以看到Crabtree & Evelyn 2014聖诞礼品及其他精致的食品呢!还有,它们那漂亮蓝色,非常独特与迷人,深深吸引了我,真的难以抗拒!

3)Perfect Pair - Somerset Meadow, Pear & Pink Magnolia and Jojoba Oil

我非常非常喜欢这些盒子。一见钟情!可能他们把它的盒子设计成书籍的样子吧!这盒子是厚纸皮制成的。它的盖不是开开的,而是用磁铁‘吸’住的!用完沐浴露及护肤霜后,盒子还可以用来装东西,非常实用。本来我只买一盒,回家想了又想;第二天我又去多买两盒。我太爱这Perfect Pair了!




This is Tee's Crabtree & Evelyn Typewriter Project.


Visit Crabtree & Evelyn's website for more information.
Find Crabtree & Evelyn on Facebook.

For store locations, click HERE


All the products of Crabtree & Evelyn are bought with my own pocket money.

All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Look! Who is in the magazine?

Ho! Ho! Ho! Baby Hang, Little Ze and I were featured in a magazine! It was a baby magazine called Parenthood Malaysia, issue December 2014, Issue No.180.

The article was about how to travel with baby and how i-angel hip seat carrier makes a perfect travel companion for the little angel. Then, it followed by my interview about the use of i-angel hip seat carrier and how it became an essential part of my life and Baby Hang’s milestones. Though my interview was just quarter of the article, they published 3 photos of me and my boys, one big and two small photos in circle / bubble. At a glance, the big circle photo was the main focus. That photo showed the happy Baby Hang seeing butterflies while I babywearing him.

I was overjoyed and fun to see our pictures in the magazine. This was my first being featured in a magazine! Hmm… I would say it was a month of fame in a magazine. Haha…

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Layout: Indulge

It has been quite some time I did not create any layout. I can't resist to create one when I saw Mei Li Paperie's beautiful color palette from December Color Challenge, although December is the super busy and crazy month for me. 

Here's my take:

I used Maggie Holmes Styleboard vellum shapes and Shimelle die cut cardstock shapes for this layout.

Happy Crafting!

Layout No. 15